You will Love this Lush Broche Bouquet! It has 20 Beautiful Velvety soft Apple Red Roses accented with Silver Crystals that Sparkle throughout the Bouquet. The base has soft Lamb's ear leaves with a White lace handle finished with a Silver Rhinestone wrap, Black glitter band and Silver Rhinestone buckle.
Streaming ribbons can be added, the handle can be done without the Black glitter band and buckle or changed to a French Braided Ribbon.
Size: 11" diameter x 12" tall
Bouquets can also be custom designed for You! The possibilities are endless.
Please visit my website at for more ideas in my Gallery section.
If you live outside the United States, please contact me to discuss shipping options.
Thank you for visiting my Shop, I look forward to creating a Broche Bouquet exclusively for you!
Happiness Always! ~Susan ❤️